Showing 1 - 25 of 1566 results
Optogenetic Control of Receptor-mediated Growth Cone Dynamics in Neurons.
Development of neuronal connections is spatially and temporally controlled by extracellular cues which often activate their cognate cell surface receptors and elicit localized cellular responses. Here, we demonstrate the use of an optogenetic tool to activate receptor signaling locally to induce actin-mediated growth cone remodeling in neurons. Based on the light-induced interaction of light between Cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) and CIB1, we generated a bicistronic vector to co-expresses CRY2 fused to the intracellular domain of a guidance receptor and a membrane-anchored CIB1. When expressed in primary neurons, activation of the growth inhibitory PlexA4 receptor induced growth cone collapse, while activation of the growth stimulating TrkA receptor increased growth cone size. Moreover, local activation of either receptor not only elicited the predicted response in light-activated growth cones, but also an opposite response in neighboring no-light growth cones of the same neuron. Finally, this tool was used to reorient growth cones towards or away from light activation and to stimulate local actin polymerization for branch initiation along axonal shafts. These studies demonstrate the use of an optogenetic tool for precise spatial and temporal control of receptor signaling in neurons and support its future application in investigating cellular mechanisms of neuronal development and plasticity. [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text].
Near-Infrared Optogenetic Nanosystem for Spatiotemporal Control of CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing and Synergistic Photodynamic Therapy.
Controlling CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing at the spatiotemporal resolution level, especially for in vivo applications, remains a great challenge. Here, we developed a near-infrared (NIR) light-activated nanophotonic system (UCPP) for controlled CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and synergistic photodynamic therapy (PDT). Lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles are not only employed as carriers for intracellular plasmid delivery but also serve as the nanotransducers to convert NIR light (980 nm) into visible light with emission at 460 and 650 nm, which could result in simultaneous activation of gene editing and PDT processes, respectively. Such unique design not only achieves light-controlled precise gene editing of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α with minimal off-target effect, which effectively ameliorates the hypoxic state at tumor sites, but also facilitates the deep-seated PDT process with synergistic antitumor effect. This optogenetically activatable CRISPR-Cas9 nanosystem holds great potential for spatially controlled in vivo gene editing and targeted cancer therapy.
Short RNA chaperones promote aggregation-resistant TDP-43
conformers to mitigate neurodegeneration.
Copley, KE
Mauna, JC
Danielson, H
Ngo, M
Xie, L
Smirnov, A
Davis, M
Mayne, L
Linsenmeier, M
Rubien, JD
Portz, B
Lee, BL
Odeh, HM
Hallegger, M
Ule, J
Pasinelli, P
Poon, Y
Fawzi, NL
Black, BE
Donnelly, CJ
Jensen, BK
Shorter, J
Aberrant aggregation of the prion-like, RNA-binding protein TDP-43 underlies
several debilitating neurodegenerative proteinopathies, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS). Here, we define how short, specific RNAs antagonize TDP-43 aggregation. Short,
specific RNAs engage and stabilize the TDP-43 RNA-recognition motifs, which allosterically
destabilizes a conserved helical region in the prion-like domain, thereby promoting aggregationresistant conformers. By mining sequence space, we uncover short RNAs with enhanced activity
against TDP-43 and diverse disease-linked variants. The solubilizing activity of enhanced short
RNA chaperones corrects aberrant TDP-43 phenotypes in optogenetic models and ALS patientderived neurons. Remarkably, an enhanced short RNA chaperone mitigates TDP-43
proteinopathy and neurodegeneration in mice. Our studies reveal mechanisms of short RNA
chaperones and pave the way for the development of short RNA therapeutics for fatal TDP-43
Optogenetic control of Corynebacterium glutamicum gene expression.
Corynebacterium glutamicum is a key industrial workhorse for producing amino acids and high-value chemicals. Balancing metabolic flow between cell growth and product synthesis is crucial for enhancing production efficiency. Developing dynamic, broadly applicable, and minimally toxic gene regulation tools for C. glutamicum remains challenging, as optogenetic tools ideal for dynamic regulatory strategies have not yet been developed. This study introduces an advanced light-controlled gene expression system using light-controlled RNA-binding proteins (RBP), a first for Corynebacterium glutamicum. We established a gene expression regulation system, 'LightOnC.glu', utilizing the light-controlled RBP to construct light-controlled transcription factors in C. glutamicum. Simultaneously, we developed a high-performance light-controlled gene interference system using CRISPR/Cpf1 tools. The metabolic flow in the synthesis network was designed to enable the production of chitin oligosaccharides (CHOSs) and chondroitin sulphate oligosaccharides A (CSA) for the first time in C. glutamicum. Additionally, a light-controlled bioreactor was constructed, achieving a CHOSs production concentration of 6.2 g/L, the highest titer recorded for CHOSs biosynthesis to date. Herein, we have established a programmable light-responsive genetic circuit in C. glutamicum, advancing the theory of dynamic regulation based on light signaling. This breakthrough has potential applications in optimizing metabolic modules in other chassis cells and synthesizing other compounds.
Studying ER-membrane contact sites in plants using the optogenetic approach: Taking the LiMETER as an example.
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) links to multiple organelles through membrane contact sites (MCS), which play critical roles in signal transduction, cell homeostasis and stress response. However, studying the behaviour and functions of MCS in plants is still challenging, partially due to the lack of site-specific markers. Here, we used an optogenetic reporter, LiMETER (Light-inducible Membrane-Tethered cortical ER), to study the structure and dynamics of ER-PM contact sites (EPCS) in plants. Upon blue light activation, LiMETER is recruited to the EPCS rapidly, while this process is reversible when blue light is turned off. Compared with other EPCS reporters, LiMETER specifically and reversibly labels the contact sites, causing little side-effects on the ER structure and plant development. With its help, we re-examined the formation of ER-PM connections induced by cell-intrinsic factors or extracellular stimuli. We found that EPCSs are preferably localised at ER tubules and the edge of ER cisternae, and their number increased significantly under abiotic stress conditions. The abundance of ER and PM interaction is also developmental dependent, suggesting a direct link between ER-PM interaction, ER function and cell homeostasis. Taken together, we showed that LiMETER is an improved marker for functional and microscopical studies of ER-PM interaction, demonstrating the effectiveness of optogenetic tools in future research.
Optimum blue light exposure: a means to increase cell-specific productivity in Chinese hamster ovary cells.
Research for biopharmaceutical production processes with mammalian cells steadily aims to enhance the cell-specific productivity as a means for optimizing total productivities of bioreactors. Whereas current technologies such as pH, temperature, and osmolality shift require modifications of the cultivation medium, the use of optogenetic switches in recombinant producer cells might be a promising contact-free alternative. However, the proper application of optogenetically engineered cells requires a detailed understanding of basic cellular responses of cells that do not yet contain the optogenetic switches. The knowhow of ideal light exposure to enable the optimum use of related approaches is missing so far. Consequently, the current study set out to find optimum conditions for IgG1 producing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells which were exposed to blue LED light. Growth characteristics, cell-specific productivity using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, as well as cell cycle distribution using flow cytometry were analyzed. Whereas too harsh light exposure causes detrimental growth effects that could be compensated with antioxidants, a surprising boost of cell-specific productivity by 57% occurred at optimum high light doses. The increase coincided with an increased number of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle after 72 h of illumination. The results present a promising new approach to boost biopharmaceutical productivity of mammalian cells simply by proper light exposure without any further optogenetic engineering. KEY POINTS: • Blue LED light hinders growth in CHO DP-12 cells • Antioxidants protect to a certain degree from blue light effects • Illumination with blue LED light raises cell-specific productivity.
Image-guided optogenetic spatiotemporal tissue patterning using μPatternScope.
In the field of tissue engineering, achieving precise spatiotemporal control over engineered cells is critical for sculpting functional 2D cell cultures into intricate morphological shapes. In this study, we engineer light-responsive mammalian cells and target them with dynamic light patterns to realize 2D cell culture patterning control. To achieve this, we developed μPatternScope (μPS), a modular framework for software-controlled projection of high-resolution light patterns onto microscope samples. μPS comprises hardware and software suite governing pattern projection and microscope maneuvers. Together with a 2D culture of the engineered cells, we utilize μPS for controlled spatiotemporal induction of apoptosis to generate desired 2D shapes. Furthermore, we introduce interactive closed-loop patterning, enabling a dynamic feedback mechanism between the measured cell culture patterns and the light illumination profiles to achieve the desired target patterning trends. Our work offers innovative tools for advanced tissue engineering applications through seamless fusion of optogenetics, optical engineering, and cybernetics.
Optogenetically Induced Microtubule Acetylation Unveils the Molecular Dynamics of Actin-Microtubule Crosstalk in Directed Cell Migration.
Microtubule acetylation is implicated in regulating cell motility, yet its physiological role in directional migration and the underlying molecular mechanisms have remained unclear. This knowledge gap has persisted primarily due to a lack of tools capable of rapidly manipulating microtubule acetylation in actively migrating cells. To overcome this limitation and elucidate the causal relationship between microtubule acetylation and cell migration, we developed a novel optogenetic actuator, optoTAT, which enables precise and rapid induction of microtubule acetylation within minutes in live cells. Using optoTAT, we observed striking and rapid responses at both molecular and cellular level. First, microtubule acetylation triggers release of the RhoA activator GEF-H1 from sequestration on microtubules. This release subsequently enhances actomyosin contractility and drives focal adhesion maturation. These subcellular processes collectively promote sustained directional cell migration. Our findings position GEF-H1 as a critical molecular responder to microtubule acetylation in the regulation of directed cell migration, revealing a dynamic crosstalk between the actin and microtubule cytoskeletal networks.
Genetically-stable engineered optogenetic gene switches modulate spatial cell morphogenesis in two- and three-dimensional tissue cultures.
Beyer, HM
Kumar, S
Nieke, M
Diehl, CMC
Tang, K
Shumka, S
Koh, CS
Fleck, C
Davies, JA
Khammash, M
Zurbriggen, MD
Recent advances in tissue engineering have been remarkable, yet the precise control of cellular behavior in 2D and 3D cultures remains challenging. One approach to address this limitation is to genomically engineer optogenetic control of cellular processes into tissues using gene switches that can operate with only a few genomic copies. Here, we implement blue and red light-responsive gene switches to engineer genomically stable two- and three-dimensional mammalian tissue models. Notably, we achieve precise control of cell death and morphogen-directed patterning in 2D and 3D tissues by optogenetically regulating cell necroptosis and synthetic WNT3A signaling at high spatiotemporal resolution. This is accomplished using custom-built patterned LED systems, including digital mirrors and photomasks, as well as laser techniques. These advancements demonstrate the capability of precise spatiotemporal modulation in tissue engineering and open up new avenues for developing programmable 3D tissue and organ models, with significant implications for biomedical research and therapeutic applications.
Genetically encoded bioluminescent glucose indicator for biological research.
Glucose is an essential energy source in living cells and is involved in various phenomena. To understand the roles of glucose, measuring cellular glucose levels is important. Here, we developed a bioluminescent glucose indicator called LOTUS-Glc. Unlike fluorescence, bioluminescence doesn't require excitation light when imaging. Using LOTUS-Glc, we demonstrated drug effect evaluation, concurrent use with the optogenetic tool in HEK293T cells, and the measurement of light-dependent glucose fluctuations in plant-derived protoplasts. LOTUS-Glc would be a useful tool for understanding the roles of glucose in living organisms.
Optogenetic manipulation of nuclear Dorsal reveals temporal requirements and consequences for transcription.
Morphogen gradients convey essential spatial information during tissue patterning. While both concentration and timing of morphogen exposure are crucial, how cells interpret these graded inputs remains challenging to address. We employed an optogenetic system to acutely and reversibly modulate the nuclear concentration of the morphogen Dorsal (DL), homologue of NF-κB, which orchestrates dorso-ventral patterning in the Drosophila embryo. By controlling DL nuclear concentration while simultaneously recording target gene outputs in real time, we identified a critical window for DL action that is required to instruct patterning, and characterized the resulting effect on spatio-temporal transcription of target genes in terms of timing, coordination, and bursting. We found that a transient decrease in nuclear DL levels at nuclear cycle 13 leads to reduced expression of the mesoderm-associated gene snail (sna) and partial derepression of the neurogenic ectoderm-associated target short gastrulation (sog) in ventral regions. Surprisingly, the mispatterning elicited by this transient change in DL is detectable at the level of single cell transcriptional bursting kinetics, specifically affecting long inter-burst durations. Our approach of using temporally-resolved and reversible modulation of a morphogen in vivo, combined with mathematical modeling, establishes a framework for understanding the stimulus-response relationships that govern embryonic patterning.
In vivo regulation of an endogenously-tagged protein by a light-regulated kinase.
Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are indispensable modulators of protein activity. Most cellular behaviours, from cell division to cytoskeletal organization, are controlled by PTMs, their miss-regulation being associated with a plethora of human diseases. Traditionally, the role of PTMs has been studied employing biochemical techniques. However, these approaches fall short when studying PTM dynamics in vivo. In recent years, functionalized protein binders have allowed the post-translational modification of endogenous proteins by bringing an enzymatic domain in close proximity to the protein they recognize. To date, most of these methods lack the temporal control necessary to understand the complex effects triggered by PTMs. In this study, we have developed a method to phosphorylate endogenous Myosin in a light-inducible manner. The method relies both on nanobody-targeting and light-inducible activation in order to achieve both tight specificity and temporal control. We demonstrate that this technology is able to disrupt cytoskeletal dynamics during Drosophila embryonic development. Together, our results highlight the potential of combining optogenetics and protein binders for the study of the proteome in multicellular systems.
A Versatile Anti-CRISPR Platform for Opto- and Chemogenetic Control of CRISPR-Cas9 and Cas12 across a Wide Range of Orthologs.
Brenker, L
Aschenbrenner, S
Bubeck, F
Staykov, K
Gebhardt, C
Wolf, B
Jendrusch, M
Kröll, A
Mathony, J
Niopek, D
CRISPR-Cas technologies have revolutionized life sciences by enabling programmable genome editing across diverse organisms. Achieving dynamic and precise control over CRISPR-Cas activity with exogenous triggers, such as light or chemical ligands, remains an important need. Existing tools for CRISPR-Cas control are often limited to specific Cas orthologs or selected applications, restricting their versatility. Anti-CRISPR (Acr) proteins, natural inhibitors of CRISPR-Cas systems, provide a flexible regulatory layer but are constitutively active in their native forms. In this study, we built on our previously reported concept for optogenetic CRISPR-Cas control with engineered, light-switchable anti-CRISPR proteins and expanded it from ortholog-specific Acrs towards AcrIIA5 and AcrVA1, broad-spectrum inhibitors of CRISPR-Cas9 and -Cas12a, respectively. We then conceived and implemented a novel, chemogenetic anti-CRISPR platform based on engineered, circularly permuted ligand receptor domains of human origin, that together respond to six different, clinically-relevant drugs. The resulting toolbox achieves both optogenetic and chemogenetic control of genome editing in human cells with a wide range of CRISPR-Cas effectors, including type II-A and -C CRISPR-Cas9s, and -Cas12a. In sum, this work establishes a versatile platform for multidimensional control of CRISPR-Cas systems, with immediate applications in basic research and biotechnology and potential for therapeutic use in the future.
Engineering of LOV-domains for their use as protein tags.
Light-Oxygen-Voltage (LOV) domains are the protein-based light switches used in nature to trigger and regulate various processes. They allow light signals to be converted into metabolic signaling cascades. Various LOV-domain proteins have been characterized in the last few decades and have been used to develop light-sensitive tools in cell biology research. LOV-based applications exploit the light-driven regulation of effector elements to activate signaling pathways, activate genes, or locate proteins within cells. A relatively new application of an engineered small LOV-domain protein called miniSOG (mini singlet oxygen generator) is based on the light-induced formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The first miniSOG was engineered from a LOV domain from Arabidopsis thaliana. This engineered 14 kDa light-responsive flavin-containing protein can be exploited as protein tag for the light-triggered localized production of ROS. Such tunable ROS production by miniSOG or similarly redesigned LOV-domains can be of use in studies focused on subcellular phenomena but may also allow new light-fueled catalytic processes. This review provides an overview of the discovery of LOV domains and their development into tools for cell biology. It also highlights recent advancements in engineering LOV domains for various biotechnological applications and cell biology studies.
Optogenetic and chemical genetic tools for rapid repositioning of vimentin intermediate filaments.
Intermediate filaments (IFs) are a key component of the cytoskeleton, essential for regulating cell mechanics, maintaining nuclear integrity, positioning organelles, and modulating cell signaling. Unlike actin filaments and microtubules, IFs have slower dynamics, and current insights into IF function primarily come from studies using long-term perturbations, such as protein depletion or mutation. Here, we present tools that allow rapid manipulation of vimentin IFs in the whole cytoplasm or within specific subcellular regions by inducibly coupling them to microtubule motors, either pharmacologically or using light. Perinuclear clustering of vimentin had no strong effect on the actin or microtubule organization, cell spreading, and focal adhesions, but reduced cell stiffness. Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum sheets were repositioned together with vimentin, whereas lysosomes were only briefly repositioned and rapidly regained their normal distribution. Keratin was displaced along with vimentin in some cell lines but remained intact in others. Our tools help to study the immediate effects of vimentin perturbation and identify direct links of vimentin to other cellular structures.
Red Light Responsive Cre Recombinase for Bacterial Optogenetics.
Optogenetic tools have been used in a wide range of microbial engineering applications that benefit from the tunable, spatiotemporal control that light affords. However, the majority of current optogenetic constructs for bacteria respond to blue light, limiting the potential for multichromatic control. In addition, other wavelengths offer potential benefits over blue light, including improved penetration of dense cultures and reduced potential for toxicity. In this study, we introduce OptoCre-REDMAP, a red light inducible Cre recombinase system in Escherichia coli. This system harnesses the plant photoreceptors PhyA and FHY1 and a split version of Cre recombinase to achieve precise control over gene expression and DNA excision. We optimized the design by modifying the start codon of Cre and characterized the impact of different levels of induction to find conditions that produced minimal basal expression in the dark and induced full activation within 4 h of red light exposure. We characterized the system's sensitivity to ambient light, red light intensity, and exposure time, finding OptoCre-REDMAP to be reliable and flexible across a range of conditions. In coculture experiments with OptoCre-REDMAP and the blue light responsive OptoCre-VVD, we found that the systems responded orthogonally to red and blue light inputs. Direct comparisons between red and blue light induction with OptoCre-REDMAP and OptoCre-VVD demonstrated the superior penetration properties of red light. OptoCre-REDMAP's robust and selective response to red light makes it suitable for advanced synthetic biology applications, particularly those requiring precise multichromatic control.
The CDKL5 kinase undergoes liquid-liquid phase separation driven by a serine-rich C-terminal region and impaired by neurodevelopmental disease-related truncations.
Dell'Oca, M
Boggio Bozzo, S
Vaglietti, S
Gurgone, A
Cardinale, V
Ragazzini, G
Alessandrini, A
Colnaghi, L
Ghirardi, M
Giustetto, M
Fiumara, F
Mutations of the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene, which encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase, can cause the CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD), a severe neurodevelopmental disease characterized by epileptic encephalopathy and neurocognitive impairment. The CDKL5 kinase consists of a catalytic N-terminal domain (NTD) and a less characterized C-terminal domain (CTD). Numerous disease-related mutations truncate CDKL5, leaving the NTD intact while variably shortening the CTD, which highlights the importance of the CTD for CDKL5 function. By systematically analyzing CDKL5 compositional features and evolutionary dynamics, we found that the CTD is a low-complexity region (LCR) highly enriched in serine residues and with a high propensity to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), a biophysical process of condensation controlling protein localization and function. Using a combination of super-resolution imaging, electron microscopy, and molecular and cellular approaches, including optogenetic LLPS induction, we discovered that CDKL5 undergoes LLPS, predominantly driven by its CTD, forming membraneless condensates in neuronal and non-neuronal cells. A CTD internal fragment (CTIF) plays a pivotal LLPS-promoting role, along with the distal portion of the protein. Indeed, two disease-related truncating mutations (S726X and R781X), eliding variable portions of the CTIF, significantly impair LLPS. This impairment is paralleled at the functional level by a reduction in the CDKL5-dependent phosphorylation of EB2, a known CDKL5 target. These findings demonstrate that CDKL5 undergoes LLPS, driven by a CTD region elided by most disease-related truncating mutations. Its loss––through the impairment of CDKL5 LLPS and functional activity––may play a key role in the molecular pathogenesis of CDD.
Charge-neutralized polyethylenimine-lipid nanoparticles for gene transfer to human embryonic stem cells.
Gene delivery is fundamentally crucial for the genetic manipulation of stem cells. Here, we present a straightforward approach to create a library of charge-neutralized polyethylenimine (PEI)-lipid nanoparticles designed for stem cell transfection. These lipid nanoparticles were formulated using small, branched PEI and lipidic anhydrides. Remarkably, over 15% of the lipid nanoparticles demonstrated high transfection efficiency across various cell types, surpassing the efficiency of both Lipofectamine 2000 and FuGENE HD. A structure-activity analysis indicated that the length and ratio of hydrophobic alkyl substitutions were critical parameters for efficient gene delivery. Notably, the transfection efficiency was higher than that of the original cation PEI. Our optimized PEI-lipid system enabled highly effective plasmid DNA delivery and successfully co-transferred two plasmid DNAs into difficult-to-transfect human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), facilitating optogenetic manipulation within these cells.
Src kinase slows collective rotation of confined epithelial cell monolayers.
Collective cell migration is key during development, wound healing, and metastasis and relies on coordinated cell behaviors at the group level. Src kinase is a key signalling protein for the physiological functions of epithelia, as it regulates many cellular processes, including adhesion, motility, and mechanotransduction. Its overactivation is associated with cancer aggressiveness. Here, we take advantage of optogenetics to precisely control Src activation in time and show that its pathological-like activation slows the collective rotation of epithelial cells confined into circular adhesive patches. We interpret velocity, force, and stress data during period of non-activation and period of activation of Src thanks to a hydrodynamic description of the cell assembly as a polar active fluid. Src activation leads to a 2-fold decrease in the ratio of polar angle to friction, which could result from increased adhesiveness at the cell-substrate interface. Measuring internal stress allows us to show that active stresses are subdominant compared to traction forces. Our work reveals the importance of fine-tuning the level of Src activity for coordinated collective behaviors.
Spatiotemporal control of subcellular O-GlcNAc signaling using Opto-OGT.
Ong, Q
Lim, LTR
Goh, C
Liao, Y
Chan, SE
Lim, CJY
Kam, V
Yap, J
Tseng, T
Desrouleaux, R
Wang, LC
Ler, SG
Lim, SL
Kim, SY
Sobota, RM
Bennett, AM
Han, W
Yang, X
The post-translational modification of intracellular proteins through O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is a conserved regulatory mechanism in multicellular organisms. Catalyzed by O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT), this dynamic modification has an essential role in signal transduction, gene expression, organelle function and systemic physiology. Here, we present Opto-OGT, an optogenetic probe that allows for precise spatiotemporal control of OGT activity through light stimulation. By fusing a photosensitive cryptochrome protein to OGT, Opto-OGT can be robustly and reversibly activated with high temporal resolution by blue light and exhibits minimal background activity without illumination. Transient activation of Opto-OGT results in mTORC activation and AMPK suppression, which recapitulate nutrient-sensing signaling. Furthermore, Opto-OGT can be customized to localize to specific subcellular sites. By targeting OGT to the plasma membrane, we demonstrate the downregulation of site-specific AKT phosphorylation and signaling outputs in response to insulin stimulation. Thus, Opto-OGT is a powerful tool for defining the role of O-GlcNAcylation in cell signaling and physiology.
Light-Induced Nanobody-Mediated Targeted Protein Degradation for Metabolic Flux Control.
In metabolic engineering, increasing chemical production usually involves manipulating the expression levels of key enzymes. However, limited synthetic tools exist for modulating enzyme activity beyond the transcription level. Inspired by natural post-translational mechanisms, we present targeted enzyme degradation mediated by optically controlled nanobodies. We applied this method to a branched biosynthetic pathway, deoxyviolacein, and observed enhanced product specificity and yield. We then extend the biosynthesis pathway to violacein and show how simultaneous degradation of two target enzymes can further shift production profiles. Through the redirection of metabolic flux, we demonstrate how targeted enzyme degradation can be used to minimize unwanted intermediates and boost the formation of desired products.
Assays to measure small molecule Hsp70 agonist activity in vitro and in vivo.
Shapiro, O
Woods, C
Gleixner, AM
Sannino, S
Ngo, M
McDaniels, MD
Wipf, P
Hukriede, NA
Donnelly, CJ
Brodsky, JL
Hsp70 prevents protein aggregation and is cytoprotective, but sustained Hsp70 overexpression is problematic. Therefore, we characterized small molecule agonists that augment Hsp70 activity. Because cumbersome assays were required to assay agonists, we developed cell-based and in vivo assays in which disease-associated consequences of Hsp70 activation can be quantified. One assay uses an optogenetic system in which the formation of TDP-43 inclusions can be controlled, and the second assay employs a zebrafish model for acute kidney injury (AKI). These complementary assays will facilitate future work to identify new Hsp70 agonists as well as optimized agonist derivatives.
Complex optogenetic spatial patterning with split recombinase.
Light is a powerful and flexible input into engineered biological systems and is particularly well-suited for spatially controlling genetic circuits. While many light-responsive molecular effectors have been developed, there remains a gap in the feasibility of using them to spatially define cell fate. We addressed this problem by employing recombinase as a sensitive light-switchable circuit element which can permanently program cell fate in response to transient illumination. We show that by combining recombinase switches with hardware for precise spatial illumination, large scale heterogeneous populations of cells can be generated in situ with high resolution. We envision that this approach will enable new types of multicellular synthetic circuit engineering where the role of initial cell patterning can be directly studied with both high throughput and tight control.
Dysfunctional RNA binding protein induced neurodegeneration is attenuated by inhibition of the integrated stress response.
Dysfunction of the RNA binding protein heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP A1) contributes to neurodegeneration, the primary cause of permanent disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). To better understand the role of hnRNP A1 dysfunction in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration, we utilized optogenetics-driven hnRNP A1 clustering to model its dysfunction in neuron-like differentiated Neuro-2A cells. hnRNP A1 clustering activates the integrated stress response (ISR) and results in a neurodegenerative phenotype marked by decreased neuronal protein translation and neurite loss. Small molecule inhibition of the ISR with either PERKi (GSK2606414) or ISRIB (integrated stress response inhibitor) attenuated both the decrease in neuronal translation and neurite loss, without affecting hnRNP A1 clustering. We then confirmed a strong association between hnRNP A1 clustering and ISR activation in neurons from MS brains. These data illustrate that hnRNP A1 dysfunction promotes neurodegeneration by activation of the ISR in vitro and in vivo, thus revealing a novel therapeutic target to reduce neurodegeneration and subsequent disability in MS.
Drug Discovery for Diseases with High Unmet Need Through Perturbation of Biomolecular Condensates.
Biomolecular condensates (BMCs), play significant roles in organizing cellular functions in the absence of membranes through phase separation events involving RNA, proteins, and RNA-protein complexes. These membrane-less organelles form dynamic multivalent weak interactions, often involving intrinsically disordered proteins or regions (IDPs/IDRs). However, the nature of these crucial interactions, how most of these organelles are organized and are functional, remains unknown. Aberrant condensates have been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases and various cancers, presenting novel therapeutic opportunities for small molecule condensate modulators. Recent advancements in optogenetic technologies, particularly Corelet, enable precise manipulation of BMC dynamics within living cells, facilitating high-throughput screening for small molecules that target these complex structures. By elucidating the molecular mechanisms governing BMC formation and function, this innovative approach holds promise to unlock therapeutic strategies against previously "undruggable" protein targets, paving the way for effective interventions in disease.